Who I am is the possibility....

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Last night at SELP I was paired up with another girl, her name is ingrid. Our mission: to practice enrollment. By the time both of us had our 7 min enrollment conversation with each other, the other one was enrolled. The experience was really awesome. What was really the best is we were both teachers and both our projects involved influencing the lives of our students. And to make it more impactful just by the way we were being something lite up when we touched on the possibilities that exsist if our project inpacts these young children. I created the possibility of fun and fullfillment. Ingrid created the possibility of children living in the realm of possibility. WOW! I was really impacted when Ingrid got up to share with the entire group. When a person is truely authentic it opens up soo much space. Ingrid talked about how she pretends to be a stand for each one of her students, but the truth is she is a stand for all her students except for the one or two difficult ones. She said she knows that she quits on them and that they suffer for that. So by her sharing I saw something for myself. (enrollment) And one single tear fell from my eye. I pretend to take a stand for each one of my students, except when i'm struggling or having a bad day. I get in my own way of being a blessing to their lives 100% of the time. So I made a committment that each morning prior to entering my classroom that I would put myself aside and be committed to them 100%. I'm really excited to see what new things open up in my classroom!


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