Who I am is the possibility....

Monday, April 03, 2006


My experience of life the past 3 days has been a physical experience. I have a case of the tingles. Adorable, that makes me smile. So new love occurs to me as a palpable experience. The butterflies, the chills, the bright smile, sleepless nights, sweet dreams, dreamy, dazy, twisted stomach, beautiful occurance. Like on a rollarcoaster, when you go down the big drop. The climb is nerve racking, you look around or perhaps close your eyes. The tracks click, click, click. Then your at the top of the world. Suddenly! Your racing to the earth, fast, fast, faster. The air rushes agaisnt your face, you scream, hold your breath and let go. The ride levels off, spins, flips, twist. The environment flashes by quickly. Your heart sinks. The ride slows down, then stops. You step off and find your legs beneath you. Reality is back, but the sensation and exhiliration is still occuring. You are eager to see the picture taken at the beginning of the ride. Often you want to ride again, and again and again. I want to keep riding, I want to experience every single part of the ride. I want to recreate the ride. I love this occurance.
I cant wait to go on my trip this weekend. To be with Seth and Simmi all weekend, two of my most favorite people now. I can't get enough of them. Its refreshing, really really peaceful and adventurous and fun. Risky and safe. Comfortable and challenging. The experience of being alive. My environment has a new listening of me. I am a transformed women. The evidence is undeniable.


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