Who I am is the possibility....

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Clean Up

Ruben I told you I would complete the ILP application last night. I didn't I sat down too and the questions frightened me, (completly my act) so I wanted to talk to Kim. I called her, she wasnt in the center. SO, you can count of me to do that today. Both talk to Kim and fill out the paperwork. I did find out alternative dates for the weekend i'll be missing for "Just Imagine"

Jason- I told you I would clean the refridgerator. I forgot until I opened it this morning and smelled that freezer burn smell. I will clean it by Saturday.

Katie- I told you I would have a conversation with Andrea....haven't broken that yet, but man am I scared. Also, I told myself I would work on the questions for our futures meeting tomorrow night , didn't do that either. I will do that this afternoon.

My own loss of power has really had an impact on other people. And I bet if I really looked at this, the list would be longer.


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