Who I am is the possibility....

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Difficult Driving

Last night I was enduring my long drive to Landmark. My journey down was interesting and I kept feeling like I was unsafe. I was on the turnpike driving south at 80mph, which was in 65 mph zone. A car behind me was flashing his bright lights in my face, I guess 80 wasnt fast enough. so I remembered what Jason taught me, just move over and let um by. Only problem was it was traffic time and the car next to me didnt want to let me over nor did the car in front of them or in front of them. Is the road picture clear? So I sped up a bit, however I have gotten a ticket on the turnpike before so I didn't want to go any faster then I was already traveling. So after awhile he got around me and slammed on this breaks. I guess to piss me off. But it really just scared me and probably scared the person behind me and was completly dangerious. Needless to say I made it to landmark safe. On the way home I sat between sample road and sw 10th street. It took me 45 mins to go one exit. The drive home was nearly 2 hours. At first I was going to be miss possibility, enjoy my drive, reflect, sing to my songs, make a phone call or two. No one answered their phone, sitting still for 45 mins with my clutch made my left leg numb. And reflecting just brought me to a nasty place. Well perhaps its not the reflections fault. Its my fault for belieiving all the mumbo jumbo that goes on between my ears. I listen to it like its truth. WOW!
I went to bed and back into my car this morning....to work, then to the school board, back to work, to FAU and back home. Too much driving.


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