Who I am is the possibility....

Sunday, January 22, 2006


My Saturday was exceptional. I did face an unfillfulled expectation, however when presenting myself with lemons I made lemonade! HA! I got some of the first items to begin my room makeover. I purchased a bright green down comforter, bright colored striped curtins and mini paper mache lamps in bright colors. So far I have my comforter on my bed. I attempted to hang the curtins but I decieded I better have someone more qualified in that area to assist me. I'm really excited about having a bright, cheery and fun bedroom. The very thought of it is changing who I am being even at this moment.
I locked myself out of my house for the first time last night. I left to go shopping in someone elses car and came home to realize that my keys were inside a locked house. My roommates bedroom light was on so I thought no problem! I rang the door bell (several times) and banged on the door. No response. My cat was sitting at the window just looking at me, my dad says she was really laughing at me. There was no way to tell if my roomie was home for real or not becaue he parks both his modes of transportation inside the garage. So after a failed attempt of possibily getting his attention my sister comes back to the house and takes me over to my dads to get my extra key. I arrive home, key in hand about 20 mins later, to discover he was home the entire time. See he REALLY likes his TV loud, (which is a persistant complaint of mine) and due to the high volume he could not hear my attempts to get him to come to the door.
I waited awhile in hopes of Jason coming home before I went to sleep, but I really knew that was not much of a reality. So I graciously went to bed....immediately dismanteling any upset of my unfullfilled expectation. Today is a new day of adventure!


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