Who I am is the possibility....

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Oppurtunidad (did I spell that right?)

Tomorrow is my first feild experience in the public school system ever.
And here is the deal...
I don't want to work in public school
I love my degree choice, I love everything I learn at school
I have no interest in applying any of my knowledge, skills or gifts at public schools.
So I could complain right? Or... take it on as a wax on, wax off concept. Another oppurtunity to learn, to step into the unknown. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll fall in love with something new. I get now in my life that there is oppurtunity in every step I take. And its not necassarily what I do, but who I am being that counts.
Oppurtunidad---> I have no idea if I spelled that correctly, but I learned how to say oppurtunity in spanish today. I'm also working on expressing who I am as a possibility in spanish. Nella wrote down some vocabulary for me during lunch today.
Tomorrow I'm taking on being a clearing for limitless learning. Learning for myself, for the class i'll be observing and even the teacher i'll be observing. Her name is Kate Brozman, 5th grade.
Time to dry my hair :)


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